New Ad Campaign in Colorado Reminds Boaters to Expect Clean Drain Dry Inspection

White Bear Lake, MN – Wildlife Forever, in partnership with Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the Bureau of Land Management, are initiating a new advertising campaign to remind boaters about invasive species prevention and stopping at watercraft inspection stations.

The recent discovery of zebra mussels in the Colorado River has state and federal officials concerned about the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS). In efforts to increase awareness and compliance with state laws, Wildlife Forever has created a new interactive mapping tool called Expect to Inspect. With the tool, boaters and recreational users can find the latest information on state laws about AIS and where to expect watercraft inspections.

The Colorado River is famed for whitewater rafting and is an invaluable resource for agriculture and western state drinking water. The new geofenced marketing and advertising campaign will target recreational users about compliance with state laws on invasive species.

The Expect to Inspect public awareness campaign and map identifies more than 760 known inspection, decontamination, and access-based watercraft cleaning locations. Along with state specific information, the interactive map provides directions, hours of operation, and contact information for scheduling professional decontamination.

“The Colorado River is a tremendous natural resource that is used by millions of people. By spotlighting this new tool, we are educating an important user base about how to prevent
the spread of invasive species,” said Zach Burnside, Program Manager for the Clean Drain Dry Initiative.

The Clean Drain Dry Initiative™ is a national public awareness campaign to educate outdoor recreational users on how to prevent the spread of invasive species. Access based solutions such as watercraft cleaning equipment, modern signage, and coordinated messaging, focuses on strategic content, marketing communications, and community outreach & educational tools.

For more AIS information and to learn how your organization can participate in the national public service campaign: Visit and contact Zach Burnside,


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